ब्लॉग आर्काइव

रविवार, 6 अगस्त 2017

Throwing stones is human civilization begins

Stone medicine alcoholThis never endingSomeone asked me and I told this, then he asked me how to explain it .See Brother Soon the known human civilization begins with the Stone Age and at the same time used to make stones armed of stones for the chevy. The art of throwing stones has since thenThere was no invention of agriculture, so people used to kill animals and they used to be made to drink medicines, and alcohol is also manufactured from stone age, it is certified by the excavation of many civilizations.Human life is only dependent  these three above things from the beginning, the main art in stone bet is to throw that which is called throwing.Whenever a child is born then its first physical action is to be thrown, like throwing a hand, then throwing an object that is in your hand, throwing a solid object when it is a little bigger. The action of throwing it keeps moving throughout life, after some age throwing becomes verbal in which it changes the oral virtue, it is called a leader lawyer teacher and if someone maintains a physical stemina, then Umesh or BhuvanShwar in India resembles cricket player and becomes a baseball player in the United StatesThe total lobbying point is to say that the rich, poor, king ranks any person born in any home, nothing in his life, less  once they will be thrown stone , why throwing stones is the natural quality of human beings, no one can deny itI used to play the stone throwing game with the flock of my friends for three or four years of childhood. I used to be sticking stones in the water of the pond to make a butterfly lie. 
I remember one of my friends whose father was a military and had to read a friend with strict discipline and pass the Targate NDA examination and went to the army, but it did not happen but in the police service, his
was elected senior officer , and when the friend's father  came to know, his Dad went to the receipt of two slabs under his ear, and friend were seen hurting and throwing mud cup at Baba Tea reservoir.The meaning of this is to say that laughter will be thrown by stones in the rescue of grief, it can only be passed from time immemorial, it may looking  be bad, but the whole game of the Olympics will be the only way to keep alive the history of human life. It is held that all the games are of the Adhimanviya era and will ask where the stone is located in Olympics, that you must have noticed that the throwing Ball game is included in the Olympics.Throwing ink shoes slippers throwing shoes all these stones are transformations of stone and sometimes it is so beneficial that Kejriwal is too little, JW Bush again elected a US President when he is face shoeing at the US President in Iraq.There is only one country in the world where people never throw stones named Israel and if  any body throws stones on Israelis then they throw bombs on them.The glory of stones has influenced the intellectuals around the world, such as the great scientist of era Einstein said that the i  can not say about Third World War, but the fourth ward war will be fought only with stones, Kabir etc. in India has glorified the stone. , The filmmakers have made a big contribution in keeping the human qualities saved by making timeless films such as Patthar ke Sanam, Stone Age and Geet Gaya Pathro ne.This stone throwing will end only when human civilization is overthrown from this earth or the Israelis will be occupied and ruled by the whole world, but nowadays, even the most developed countries like the United States and the UK people also have throwing stones.

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